Now writing in Hindi is more easy, now we don't need to learn that complex Hindi keyboard; just spell the Hindi word in roman script [English; ex. 'bharat'] and there you get the word in Devnagari [Hindi; 'भारत']. CDAC Mumbai has developed a transliteration tool called Xlit, which transliterates [converts] betwen English and Indian Language[Hindi, marathi, tamil, kanada, etc.]. You can also use the same system for writng in Hindi in OpenOffice [A free OpenSource office suite:get it here: ], using an extension called XlitHindi. To download this please visit: . Some screen shots of the extension: Notice the 'XliHindi' Tool box, click it to enable the transliteration Write sentence as "mumbai [HIT SAPCEBAR] bharat [HIT SAPCEBAR] ki [HIT SAPCEBAR] arthik [HIT SAPCEBAR] rajadhani[HIT SAPCEBAR]" and Right click to see better option: After selecting t...