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Showing posts from April, 2010

Good step - hiring non-techies!

Is it worthwhile to hire non-techies for techies' work? By    Sikta Samantaray Wednesday, 28 April 2010, 15:01 IST   Twitter Facebook Share Comments( 17 ) Print Email Bangalore: With the new trend being set up by IT firms to hire non-techies to do techies' work, it seems that working hard at engineering colleges for 3-4 years to enter this field is worthless. In the last few months, it is noticed that many of the Indian IT companies such as TCS, Wipro and Infosys are turning towards non engineering graduates for the same work that engineering graduates have been doing for long. For instance, Nandini Sahay is currently working in one of the Indian IT firms as a Software Engineer after completing her BA degree in History and one year certi...

SIGAI Workshop on Emerging Research Trends

SIGAI Workshop on Emerging Research Trends in Artificial Intelligence (ERTAI - 2010) 17th April, 2010, C-DAC, Navi Mumbai, India Supported by Computer Society of India (CSI) Keynote Address by Prof. Rajeev Sangal, IIIT Hyderabad Two-stage Constraint Parsing for Indian Languages Natural Language Processing deals with understanding and developing computational theories of human language. Such theories allow us to understand the structure of language and build computer software that can process language.  For example, if a query in a human language can be processed (that is, analyzed and understood) by the machine, then it can try to find an answer from a given database or from a set of documents. A search engine of the future is likely to use such a technology. Parsing gives the grammatical analysis of a given sentence.  Here, we will describe 2-stage parsing in the Computational Paninian Grammar framework. The parser is a constraint solver, where constraints are expressed i...

Software engineer and Others...!

A real story ....A conversation between a Soldier and Software Enggr in Shatabdi Train .... .....An interesting and a must read ! Vivek Pradhan was not a happy man.. He was the Project Manager and still not entitled to air travel. It was not the prestige he sought, he had tried to reason with the admin person, it was the savings in time. He opened his case and took out the laptop, determined to put the time to some good use. 'Are you from the software industry sir,' the man beside him was staring appreciatively at the laptop. Vivek glanced briefly and mumbled in affirmation, handling the laptop now with exaggerated care and importance as if it were an expensive car. 'You people have brought so much advancement to the country, Sir. Today everything is getting computerized. ' 'Thanks,' smiled Vivek, turning around to give the man a look. He always found it difficult to resist appreciation. 'You people always a...