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Showing posts from July, 2013

NLP resources from Uni. of Edinburgh Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing (ML-for-NLP) This reading group focuses on Machine Learning techniques that may be applied to the field of Natural Language Processing. Participants are encouraged to suggest topics, papers, or tutorials (which need not involve any current application in NLP) by adding them to the lists below. Suggesting a paper does not constitute any sort of commitment to presenting that paper. Meetings are approximately every week on Thursdays. Meetings will be in 4.02 at 3pm unless otherwise stated. Announcements for this group will be made by email, and it is possible to sign up to the mailing list  here . News No news, is good news Tools for Research. Meeting notes Unix Tools The screen command.  Cheatsheet , John's  screen resources  (John says: Note that the screen configuration files are named .screenrc and .screenrc.gen, and so you have to explicitly lo...

Good advice on managing the paper presentation slides and talk

Some tips for preparing your paper presentation First, organize your talk: Read the entire paper at least 3 times.  You need to be able to explain the details in the paper (even the ugly tricky notation) You need to be able to provide a critical analysis of the paper Check out references in the related work section of the paper. (this will help you put the paper in context of a larger body of work and will help you critique the paper's results/contributions) Look at  Paper Reading Advice  for more details. Find the important ideas  A paper has many details but only one or two main ideas; structure your talk around these main ideas. Create a Talk Outline  Your talk should be organized in a top-down manner. You should have the following main sections in your talk: Introduction, The Big Picture: what, why, how, and why we should care (motivation). Be sure to include: a statement of the problem being solved (what) motivation and putting the work in contex...